The idea behind this little guide is to give you as a new member an idea of what goes on and to help you to become involved in the golfing life of the Club – especially if you are interested in meeting new people, having some fun and playing a little more competitive golf than just a four ball.
Frequently asked Questions
How do I find out what is going on?
When and where can I start playing?
What is the dress code?
What is course etiquette?
What about team golf?
Can I bring guests?
Can I introduce members?
Where else do I go for help?
What about the Rules of Golf, Handicapping, Medals, Stablefords etc?
Q. How do I find out what is going on?
- The best way to keep yourself informed about what is going on is to check the diary online – or alternatively:
- the main notice board in the clubhouse
- the ladies notice board in their foyer
- the car park notices board.
- or just ask!
Social functions are publicised on the clubhouse notice boards. Tickets will be on sale behind the bar. Again, check online.
The main notice board in the clubhouse is where important notices are published. These notices are more formal in nature, covering things like safety issues, what’s going on and other items of information for members.
Q. When and where can I start playing?
- Golfing Start Points – 1st Tee & 10th Tee if nobody is playing down the 9th
Once you have joined and paid your subscription you can usually play whenever you want, but first call in the pros shop and ask them to guide you through the booking system (BRS).
The course tends to be busier at the weekend, so it is always advisable to make up a 3-ball or 4-ball during busy times.
Q. What is the dress code?
Please see the dress code information for full details.
Q. What is course etiquette?
Please see our etiquette page for full details, you will not remember all of this first time so relax have a game then read it again.
Q. What about team golf?
- Barnard Castle Golf Club has teams to suit golfers of all abilities.
Juniors have a 5-man team playing in the Southern Durham League as well as a team knockout match that covers all of county Durham.
Ladies have two teams that represent Barnard Castle in league competitions. In addition, friendly matches are organised. Full details are available from the ladies’ section; check out the diary or notice-board for fixture dates, times, etc.
Men’s team plays in the Teesside District Union League. Details are on the notice boards in the men’s foyer.
Seniors Full details of matches and other competitions are to be found on the notice board.
All The club also enters teams in other competitions for which notices go up at the beginning of the golfing season.
Q.Can I bring guests?
- Yes, Members are encouraged to bring guests to play Barnard Castle.
Q. Can I introduce members?
- Yes, and the new member you are introducing will receive a small discount and if they re-join the following year you will receive a discount on your subscription fees.
Q. Where else do I go for help?
If you are in any way confused, lost or just looking for more information – please ask at the Pro Shop (01833 631980) or the Office (01833 63855).
Q. What about the Rules of Golf, Handicapping, Medals, Stablefords etc?
- For help with the Rules we provide an R&A rule guide but these are complicated to understand, the best way is to explain to your playing partner that you are not sure of the rules so could they please keep you right. Some rules changed in 2019 and they can be found by clicking on the link here.
Competition Formats
In any event where a card is handed in, it is only the GROSS score that is being verified.
A very popular format which is not so punishing and should be quicker than medal play.
The scoring works as follows:
First of all, the gross score for each hole must be recorded. It is this that the player signs for. In the event of a hole not being completed, a No-Return (NR) may be entered.
This is a stroke play competition, so no putts may be conceded as in match play.
From the gross scores recorded, the handicap allowance is applied in accordance with the stroke index of each hole and a net score per hole calculated.
From this:-
- A net bogey scores – 1 point
- A net par scores – 2 points
- A net birdie scores – 3 points
- A net eagle scores – 4 points
Anything more than a net bogey scores ZERO points and you should pick up your ball at this point. The player scoring the most points over the course of the competition is the winner.
Remember that although you are encouraged to calculate your Stableford points, mistakes in this regard can be rectified at any time with no penalties incurred.
Medal Every stroke taken during the round is counted and every hole must be completed. Your handicap is subtracted from your total number of strokes (Gross score) to give your net score. The lowest net score wins the competition.
Four Ball Better Ball A team is made up of two players who play together. On each hole both players play their own ball (as in normal play) but only the best net score of the two on each hole counts for the team score. The format may be medal or Stableford, with each player using 3/4 of their usual handicap.
NB: The scoring can be a little tricky, so to ensure that any problems in the scoring can be easily resolved, it is best to make sure that the marker of the card puts down both players’ gross scores in the appropriate columns as well as the best net score (and, of course, both of his own team’s scores in the marker’s column).
Greensome Foursomes As with normal fourballs both members of a team of two drive, but then only one ball is selected for subsequent play. That ball is then played alternately by the team members until holed out, the second shot being played by the player whose tee shot was discarded. The format for this competition may be medal or stableford. The handicap allowance is normally 40% of the combined handicap of the two players.
Texas Scramble In a ‘Texas Scramble’ each member of a team drives. The best tee shot is selected and all team members except the player whose shot has been selected hit their second shots from within 6 inches of that position, no nearer the hole. Play continues in this manner until a ball is holed. The score for the hole is the number of shots played by the team after one of the balls is holed out.
MatchplayAs its name suggests, this method of scoring is only used in matches. A stroke allowance for the course is given based on the difference between a player’s handicap and the lowest handicap of the group playing the match. After that, the game is played by holes.
A hole is won by the side that holes its ball in fewer (net) strokes. A hole is halved if each side holes out in the same number of strokes. The reckoning of holes is kept by the terms: so many holes up or all square, and so many to play.
A side is dormie when it is as many holes up as there are remaining to be played. The match is won by the side which is leading by a number of holes greater than the number of holes remaining to be played.